White paper
Artificial Intelligence at the service of the citizen¶
The White Paper, edited by the AI Task Force promoted by the Agency for Digital Italy, is the result of a consultation, synthesis and analysis process that has involved hundreds of public and private subjects dealing with Artificial Intelligence in Italy.
The consultation ended on March 12th 2018.
The Italian version of the White Paper was presented on March 21, 2018.
The English version of the White Paper is available in PDF version (https://ia.italia.it/en/assets/whitepaper.pdf).
- Making the most of artificial intelligence in Italy and Europe
- A new common culture for the innovation of public services
- For those who do not have time: Summary of the White Paper
- Chapter 1 - Italy and digital services
- Chapter 2 - Artificial intelligence today
- Chapter 3: The challenges of AI at the service of citizens
- Recommendations
- And now? The first steps for an AI-ready PA